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Brooksby Village Television is a two channel community access station that creates sixty original programs a month, two live shows a week, and dozens of slides daily for the digital signage around the community. As Community Television Coordinator, I produce, direct, edit and schedule shows. The studio also maintains all audio/visual equipment on campus for events, performances and meetings.

Intermissions: A promotional video informing Brooksby Village residents and family members about Intermissions, a memory support day program. Produced, filmed and edited by Lauren Jo.

Our Vision: The opening to a show about issues concerning those with low vision challenges. Created in Photoshop and After Effects. Designed and edited by Lauren Jo.

Signature Dining: A video promoting a corporate initiative that transformed dining services at Erickson Communities. The video was aired at an annual conference to message Signature Dining to 17 retirement communities. Filmed and edited by Lauren Jo in collaboration with the Brooksby Village TV team. 

Neighbor to Neighbor: The first three minutes of a talk show about residents' WWII stories. The introduction graphics were created in Adobe Photoshop and After Effects. Edited, produced and directed by Lauren Jo.

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